Retrouvez l’ACCPI à l’occasion du 20ème anniversaire de la Conférence nationale sur la citoyenneté et l’immigration qui se tiendra en 2025 au bord du majestueux lac Louise.
Vous puiserez l’inspiration pour apprendre, participer et réseauter dans un paysage à nul autre pareil. Depuis les mises à jour de programmes jusqu’aux changements de politiques en passant par les processus opérationnels, plongez-vous dans des séances qui vous propulseront au sommet. Nous aborderons des domaines ardus, délicats et complexes dont vous tirerez foule d’informations et de connaissances. Nous évoquerons l’avenir sous la forme de l’IA et de l’automatisation des procédures, alors que le domaine de l’immigration subit un remodelage et une redéfinition profonds. Accompagnez-nous dans cette grande aventure!
La conférence se tiendra à l’emblématique Chateau Lake Louise. Savourez votre café matinal en admirant la pureté cristalline des eaux du lac, avant de vous risquer dans les salles de réunion. Préparez la séance suivante tout en contemplant les montagnes environnantes et réfléchissez sur un cas difficile en parcourant un sentier de randonnée sinueux.
Durabilité, renouveau et perspectives d’avenir seront les mots-clés de l’édition 2025 de la CNCI. À méditer, en attendant de se retrouver!
Accompagnez-nous à la soirée de gala du 20ème anniversaire de l’ACCPI dans la salle de réception Mount Temple.
Previous Keynotes
The Honourable Marc Miller
Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship

The Honourable Marc Miller
Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship
The Honourable Marc Miller was first elected in 2015 as the Member of Parliament for Ville-Marie—Le Sud-Ouest—Île-des-Sœurs, in Montréal. He has previously served as Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations and as Minister of Indigenous Services. Before entering politics, Minister Miller was a practising lawyer. He specialized in mergers and acquisitions, with a focus on international and commercial law, and worked in Montréal, Stockholm, and New York City. Previously, he served as an infantry soldier in the Canadian Armed Forces. Minister Miller made history in 2017 when he delivered a statement in the House of Commons entirely in Mohawk, marking the first time the language had been spoken in either the House of Commons or Senate since Confederation. He has also been a forceful advocate for increased federal investment in affordable housing, public transit, and the Canada Child Benefit. Minister Miller has been involved in several charitable and pro bono legal initiatives. He has also authored articles on constitutional and human rights law. Minister Miller is a graduate of the Université de Montréal, where he earned Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Political Science. He also graduated from McGill University with degrees in Common Law and Civil Law. He was born and raised in Montréal.
The Honourable Sean Fraser
Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship (NCIC 2022)

The Honourable Sean Fraser
Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship (NCIC 2022)The Honourable Sean Fraser was first elected as the Member of Parliament for Central Nova in 2015. Minister Fraser previously served as Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Finance and to the Minister of Middle Class Prosperity and Associate Minister of Finance from 2019 to 2021, and as Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change from 2018 to 2019. In 2021, he also served concurrently as Parliamentary Secretary to the Deputy Prime Minister. Before entering politics, Minister Fraser had a successful legal career with one of Canada’s top-ranked law firms, where he practised commercial litigation and international dispute resolution. He is a long-time volunteer, having served as the Vice-President of a local branch of the United Nations Association in Canada, acted as a Research Fellow with the Centre for International Sustainable Development Law, and provided pro bono legal services to the local BGC Club and vulnerable community members. Minister Fraser holds a law degree from Dalhousie University, a Master’s degree in Public International Law from Leiden University in the Netherlands, and a Bachelor of Science from St. Francis Xavier University. Minister Fraser grew up in Pictou County, and has family throughout the Town and County of Antigonish. He enjoys spending time in Central Nova with his wife, Sarah, and their children, Molly and Jack.
The Honourable Marco E. L. Mendicino, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship (NCIC 2020)

The Honourable Marco E. L. Mendicino, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship (NCIC 2020)
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Immigration, The Honourable Matt DeCourcey
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship (NCIC 2019)

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Immigration, The Honourable Matt DeCourcey
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship (NCIC 2019)
Matt DeCourcey was elected in October 2015 as a Member of Parliament for the riding of Fredericton, New Brunswick, where he was born, raised and educated. He served on the Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure of the Special Committee on Pay Equity and the House of Commons Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development.
Mr. DeCourcey worked as an assistant to former Fredericton Member of Parliament and cabinet minister, Andy Scott, in 2005 and 2006. He also worked with former Labrador Member of Parliament and Métis leader, Todd Russell. After a five-month international development project in West Africa, Mr. DeCourcey established the Wanderers Friendship Cup – a soccer tournament and health-education initiative for youth in The Gambia. Armed with his unwavering vision for a caring and compassionate Canada, Mr. DeCourcey has dedicated the years prior to being elected to bettering the lives of disenfranchised youth through his role as Director of Communications, Education and Outreach, with the New Brunswick Child and Youth Advocate.
Mr. DeCourcey holds a Master of Public Relations from Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, and a Bachelor of Arts from St. Thomas University. He is a 2012-13 Action Canada Fellow, co-authoring the report, Who Cares About Young Carers? Raising Awareness for an Invisible Population, and a former provincial coordinator for the Canadian Commission for UNESCO’s Youth Advisory Group.
Mr. DeCourcey has served as a Parliamentary Secretary since 2017, and is currently Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship.
Mayor Naheed Nenshi
Calgary Mayor (NCIC 2019)

Mayor Naheed Nenshi
Calgary Mayor (NCIC 2019)
Naheed Nenshi, A’paistootsiipsii, was sworn in as Calgary's 36th mayor on October 25, 2010 and was re-elected in 2013 and 2017.
Prior to being elected, Mayor Nenshi was with McKinsey and Company, later forming his own business to help public, private and non-profit organizations grow. He designed policy for the Government of Alberta, helped create a Canadian strategy for The Gap, Banana Republic and Old Navy, and worked with the United Nations to determine how business can help the poorest people on the planet. He then entered academia, where he was Canada's first tenured professor in the field of nonprofit management, at Mount Royal University's Bissett School of Business.
For his work, Mayor Nenshi was named a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum, was awarded the President’s Award from the Canadian Institute of Planners, and received the Humanitarian Award from the Canadian Psychological Association for his contributions to community mental health. In 2013, after his stewardship of the community during devastating flooding, Maclean’s magazine called him the second-most influential person in Canada, after the Prime Minister. He was also awarded the 2014 World Mayor Prize by the UK-based City Mayor’s Foundation as the best mayor in the world.
In 2014, he was also honoured by Elder Pete Standing Alone with the Blackfoot name A’paistootsiipsii, which means "Clan Leader" or "He who moves camp and the others follow". In 2016, Elder Bruce Starlight of the Tsuu T'ina First Nation honoured him with the name Iitiya: "Always Ready".
Mayor Nenshi holds a Bachelor of Commerce (with distinction) from the University of Calgary, where he was President of the Students' Union, and a Master in Public Policy from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, where he studied as a Kennedy Fellow.
Jean-Nicolas Beuze
UNHCR Representative Canada (NCIC 2017)

Jean-Nicolas Beuze
UNHCR Representative Canada (NCIC 2017)Jean-Nicolas Beuze worked for more than 20 years with the United Nations in the areas of Human Rights (OHCHR), Peacekeeping (DPKO) and UNICEF at Headquarters and in the field (Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Afghanistan and the Middle-East and North Africa region) before joining UNHCR in Lebanon as Deputy Representative for Protection and Inter-Agency Coordination. Prior to joining UNHCR, he was the UNICEF Child Protection Advisor for the MENA region (2010-13) working on emergency responses in Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Syria and Yemen, and strengthening public child protection and education systems in the region. He was previously appointed as the Deputy Director of the Human Rights Unit of UN Peace-Keeping/DPKO mission in Afghanistan/UNAMA (2008-10) focusing on women’s rights, elections, poverty and the protection of civilians. He previously worked as a Research Director in a human rights think-tank (International Council on Human Rights Policy) on issues of peace agreements, transitional justice, national human rights institutions and the reform of the UN human rights system. Jean-Nicolas Beuze holds a LL.M in international human rights law from Essex University, UK, and a Master in international relations from the Graduate Institute of International Relations, Geneva/Switzerland.
Janet Dench
Executive Director for Canadian Council of Refugees (NCIC 2016)

Janet Dench
Executive Director for Canadian Council of Refugees (NCIC 2016)
The Canadian Council for Refugees is a national non-profit umbrella organization committed to the rights and protection of refugees and other vulnerable migrants in Canada and around the world, and to the settlement of refugees and immigrants in Canada. Its membership is made up of organizations involved in the settlement, sponsorship, and protection of refugees and immigrants. The CCR serves the networking, information-exchange, and advocacy needs of its membership.
Visit the CCR website for more information.
Mario Dion
Chairperson of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (NCIC 2015)

Mario Dion
Chairperson of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (NCIC 2015)A Montréal native, Mr. Dion, now a retired lawyer, obtained a law degree from the University of Ottawa in 1979. Mr. Dion began his legal career in 1980 as a legal advisor at the then-Ministry of the Solicitor General. In 1988, he became the Assistant Deputy Minister of Communications, Evaluation and Research at Corrections Canada. From Corrections Canada, Mr. Dion moved to the Department of Justice where he became the Assistant Deputy Minister of Corporate Services in 1992. In 1995 he was appointed Associate Deputy Minister of Justice. From 1996 to 1997 he served as Deputy Clerk and Counsel at the Privy Council Office, responsible for Legislative House Planning and Machinery of Government and then returned to the Department of Justice as Associate Deputy Minister. In 2003, Mr. Dion was appointed Deputy Minister of Indian Residential Schools Resolution of Canada, where he led efforts to bring closure to 16,000 pending litigation files and, ultimately, the historic 2006 agreement with former residential school students. Mr. Dion also served as Chairperson of the National Parole Board from 2006-2009 and most recently as Commissioner of Public Sector Integrity from 2011-2014. In 2015, Mr. Dion was appointed as Chairperson of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada.
Nous vous remercions d’avoir choisi Air Canada comme transporteur de choix de votre manifestation, la CNCI 2025, qui se tiendra du 14 au 16 mai 2025. Nous avons assigné à la conférence un code promotionnel. Pour effectuer une réservation à l’aide de ce code, rendez-vous sur et saisissez-le dans le champ Code promotionnel. Pour bénéficier des tarifs spéciaux « Réunions et événements », au moins dix participants, de toute provenance, doivent se rendre à la même destination au sein du vaste réseau nord-américain et international d’Air Canada. La clientèle pourra réserver en ligne tout en se prévalant d’un rabais de dix pour cent sur les tarifs admissibles.
Le code promotionnel est QXBX8UT1
• La réservation doit être effectuée à destination de la ville suivante : Calgary, YYC (CA)
• La période de voyage débute le lundi 5 mai 2025 et se termine le samedi 24 mai 2025.
• Les vols peuvent être effectués lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi et dimanche.
• Un rabais de 5 % est offert sur les tarifs standards et, de 10 % sur les tarifs Flex et les tarifs supérieurs pour les vols en Amérique du Nord. Un rabais de 10 % est offert sur les tarifs standards et supérieurs pour les vols internationaux.
Toutes les réservations effectuées à l’aide du code promo seront comptabilisées de sorte à remplir la condition du nombre minium de 10 passagers au titre de l’inscription aux Réunions et événements.
Nous sommes en mesure de vous offrir un rabais de 5 % sur le tarif Econo* et de 10 % sur les tarifs Écono (Flexible) et Privilège pour un trajet au Canada. Un rabais de 2 % sur le tarif Écono*, de 5 % sur le tarif Écono (Flexible) et 10 % sur le tarif Privilège est proposé aux voyageurs transfrontaliers. Aucun rabais n’est offert sur les réservations en classe UltraBase et Affaires. Pour bénéficier de cette offre, se servir du code promo lors de la réservation. Pur réserver en ligne, veuillez vous rendre sur
La réservation doit être effectuée à destination de Lake Louise
Début de la période de voyage : 8/5/2025
Fin de la période de voyage : 24/5/2025
Code coupon : Invité Web/Agent de voyage Web
Code promo : Agent de voyage GDS seulement YBM78
Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise
111 Lake Louise Dr, Lake Louise, AB T0L 1E0
Fairmont Lake Louise – Entouré de sommets vertigineux, du majestueux glacier Victoria et d’un lac aux scintillantes eaux turquoise, l’emblématique Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise vous promet un séjour de luxe 5 étoiles dans un cadre naturel incomparable. Explorez le parc national de Banff lors d’une visite guidée ou faites du ski sur des pistes de classe mondiale dans l’une des trois stations des Rocheuses. Détendez-vous avec un agréable soin de spa avant de savourer une cuisine d’inspiration saisonnière dans notre hôtel de Lake Louise. Les enfants ne seront pas en reste; ils pourront profiter des activités exclusives du camp d’aventure pour enfants. Pour réserver, composez le 1-866-540-4413, en indiquant que vous participerez à la conférence de l’ACCPI. Ainsi, vous bénéficierez du tarif de groupe de 299 $ par nuit, avant taxes et frais.
Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer que le bloc de chambres attribuées à votre manifestation peut être d’ores et déjà réservé, soit en ligne sur le site Web « GroupMax » dédié aux réservations de groupe,, soit en composant le 1-800-230-8988 ou le 1-800-441-1414. Lors de la réservation, il convient d’indiquer le nom du groupe. Les réservations dans le bloc de chambres pré-attribuées seront acceptées jusqu’au 13 avril 2025.
Les chambres du groupe de chambres réservé par l’ACCPI ayant été louées, il est possible de réserver dans l’hôtel voisin, le Lake Louise Inn, qui se trouve à dix minutes. La nuitée est à 209 $ plus taxes. WiFi et stationnement sont offerts. Pour faire une réservation, suivre les instructions :
Type de réservation : Individuelle
Les clients membres du groupe doivent réserver au plus tard le 28 avril 2025 :
- Par téléphone : (403) 522-3791
- Par courriel :
Voici le lien pour réserver au Lake Louise Inn. Pour effectuer une réservation, il est possible de s’adresser directement à l’hôtel au 403-522-3791 en indiquant « Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants (CAPIC) 2025 » ou en se servant du lien de réservation spécial :